
On Gym Harassment

image: Flickr | @Mike_fleming There was the trainer who told me I shouldn’t do so many chest exercises because it would make my boobs shrink. There was the older guy who, for months, would tell me how pretty I was and repeatedly push me to call his son. There was the guy who told me […] Read more…

How to Focus on Health if You Don’t Want to Lose Weight

Being uncomfortable in our own skin is like being simultaneously caged and exposed. On one hand, we feel trapped in our body; our shame and dissatisfaction makes us wish we could shed our shell. On the other hand, we feel like our body is under a magnifying glass. In our mind, everyone sees our flaws […] Read more…

A Day In The Life

So I decided to do this post not because my life is particularly interesting or exciting, but because I thought it would be helpful to show people how I practice moderation, especially when I’m on a cut. This was from Friday, Nov. 11 and I was actually a bit tighter with what I ate than […] Read more…

A Blue Workout

I haven’t been myself lately. Although terribly neglected, I’ve kept this blog around in case I eventually shrug the cloak of apathy and depression that’s been weighing heavy on my shoulders.   Without going into too much detail, I’ve had many bad days lately. A lot of personal drama has stripped me of my essence, […] Read more…

The Temple of IRON!

We all have our temples. Places we go to find peace, to clear our minds, to revitalize our insides. For some, the bedroom is a sanctuary from the stresses of life. For others, it may be the library, a park, the kitchen, bathtub, and so on. For me, it’s the gym. I know it’s an […] Read more…

Pretty Muddy Miami 2012

I am usually a punctual person, but apparently not when it comes to blogging. I’m more than TWO MONTHS late on this post! I know, terrible. But better late than never? So, back in November I did the Pretty Muddy Women’s Run in Miami. It’s a women’s-only 5K race with obstacles and of course, lots […] Read more…


This past weekend  I did something I never thought I would do.   I ran a 5k race. Specifically, the Color Run.   What I liked about this race is that speed and endurance aren’t important. It’s all about having fun. Which was good for me, because let’s just say I didn’t exactly train for […] Read more…

Just buy the f*cking pants.

Some new things are on the horizon for me. Things that I said I would NEVER do. Like Crossfit and running races and buying bigger pants. Instead of saying the cliché, I’ll just leave this here. (I freakin’ LOVED that movie as a kid.) So Crossfit. I bought a two-month coupon because I need […] Read more…


Um, I’m alive. Writing the intro to a post after you’ve been away for oh, five months, is kind of awkward. Let’s just pretend we’re the kind of friends who can go a year without talking and then pick up again like no time has passed at all. So what’s been going on lately? I […] Read more…

The more things change, the more they stay the same

Arguably the hardest thing a person can do is change. In many cases, I am skeptical of one’s capability to erase a deeply seeded habit or mentality. Same thing goes with adopting new practices. But it’s possible. And I know this because I’ve seen it. Not often, but often enough. In myself, I have seen […] Read more…