
Weekend Randomness

In bullets, because they are easy 😛 I drank beer last night. And vodka. And I ate calamari…again. It was my cheat meal, okay! I can’t help it if fried is my favorite flavor. I’m a firm believer that good friends, lols and bacchanalia are good for the soul. So, um, I’m officially winning the […] Read more…

The downside of being a professional appreciator…

Sometimes I have issues reconciling with the fact that I am not a scientist, doctor, dietician, kinesiologist or a personal trainer. There are no prestigious acronyms that follow my name. I am just a girl who has a passion for working out and eating healthy. I try to learn as much I can about these […] Read more…

You do NOT have permission to kick my ass…

Because I made it to the gym bright and early today! I am so glad I put up that post yesterday. If I didn’t, I’m not sure I would have made it to the gym this morning. But fortunately, I was able to drag my tuchus out of bed in time to squeeze in a […] Read more…

To the night…

I’m prone to bouts of upper-end-of-young-adult blues. Some people call it a quarter life crisis, and it is usually a period of time in your twenties when you feel stuck in a rut, directionless, like your life has no meaning or purpose…basically like you’re trapped in a Kevin Smith movie. I guess that’s where I’m […] Read more…

A couple of lessons in humility

Lesson #1: Stop trying to be TUFF I like to lift heavy weights. But you probably already knew that. Heavy weights usually means lower reps. Keeping it in the 5-8 rep range is my favorite way to workout. So it is much to my chagrin when I must lower the amount of weight I lift […] Read more…

Panic at the Dojo

For a long time I didn’t understand anxiety disorders. Since it was something I never struggled with, I thought anxiety was a trifling matter that could be overcome with a little mental hardiness. I’d think, Whatever, man. Everyone has a little bit of anxiety. Just get over it. When people would tell me they wouldn’t […] Read more…