
The Temple of IRON!

We all have our temples. Places we go to find peace, to clear our minds, to revitalize our insides. For some, the bedroom is a sanctuary from the stresses of life. For others, it may be the library, a park, the kitchen, bathtub, and so on. For me, it’s the gym. I know it’s an […] Read more…

Something for everyone

Boot camp was a lot of fun this weekend. Two new recruits came out. And so did a regular…who brought this Coke along with him. Tsk, tsk! But at least he showed up. I wanted to share the workout we did, in the hopes that some of you out there might be willing to try […] Read more…

Feeling tough?

Then try this move out the next time you’re at the gym: It’s some kind of burpee-chinup hybrid dealie. Sure gets the job done! Wish I could have gotten better footage of it, but my camera died right when I turned it on, so we had to resort to using my phone. Anyway, have a […] Read more…

My review of Jamie Eason’s Livefit program

A few months ago I mentioned that I was changing my workout routine. It’s usually good to switch things up, and I definitely learned a few things from it. At the time of the switch I was working out 4x a week doing an upper and lower body split. Cardio was usually Bodyrock or something […] Read more…

The WTF Workout

So apparently I have relatives that read my blog. And according to my father they have an issue with me cursing. Whatever. I don’t think I even curse that much. I’ve even tried to curtail it these past few posts…to be nice, or something. However I am not a fan of censorship. It was relayed […] Read more…

Fit Geek’s First “Boot Camp”

I used to enjoy sleeping in on Saturday mornings. But yesterday I got up even earlier than I do on work days to abuse a few friends. Nothing like a little sadism to start your weekend. I met up with my friends Joe (wrecktify) and Chris to do a workout in Indian Hammocks park. Specifically […] Read more…

A Beginner’s Home Workout

“I don’t like going to the gym.” I hear that ALL the time. Fortunately, you don’t need a gym to workout. The following routine is a good starting point for beginners interested in strength training. It’s easy and straight forward. There are only five exercises (so lazy people have no excuse!) but together they still […] Read more…