Boot camp was a lot of fun this weekend. Two new recruits came out. And so did a regular…who brought this Coke along with him. Tsk, tsk! But at least he showed up. I wanted to share the workout we did, in the hopes that some of you out there might be willing to try […] Read more…
Starting from scratch
It’s been chilly the past few days in Miami. Since it’s normally as sticky and hot as Satan’s armpit, I’m kind of short on cold-weather wear. And by cold weather, I mean 50 degrees Farenheit. Everything is relative, okay! Fortunately I am good at improvising, and used my hair as a scarf. It really did […] Read more…
Let’s NOT talk about boobs.
You know, I expected today to be uneventful for the most part. I was planning to blog about not being able to get to 40 lbs with dumbbells (80 lbs total) on the incline press, when I can easily knock out 3 sets of 10 with the 35 lb dumbbells. (I couldn’t even get the […] Read more…
A review of my absense in photos.
Damn. It’s been a while. Where to even start… Oh yeah, the no sugar bet. David and I both made it through the week without ingesting any added sugar. (We were still eating fruit and dairy though.) We even withheld at a party that had these treats laid out before us, begging to […] Read more…
Good job, young Padawan.
Some days, the force is not with you. This morning, for example. I was at the gym by 6:40 a.m., intent on doing a biceps/triceps workout. (I have a case of string bean arms that I’m trying to remedy.) So, I do some curls with an EZ barand super-set them with rope pulldowns for triceps. […] Read more…
Remember that song Flag Pole Sitta by Harvey Danger? The song came out when I was about 12 or 13, and while I was never crazy about it, one line from it always stuck with me: “If you’re bored then you’re boring.” Lately I’ve been wondering if that’s true. You see, I have issues with […] Read more…
Feeling tough?
Then try this move out the next time you’re at the gym: It’s some kind of burpee-chinup hybrid dealie. Sure gets the job done! Wish I could have gotten better footage of it, but my camera died right when I turned it on, so we had to resort to using my phone. Anyway, have a […] Read more…
Giving new meaning to bodyweight workouts
My man squats ME ass to grass! He also uses me as a human barbell. And this is why we’re together. In other news…got my co-op share today. Here are some crappy pictures of good produce. Let’s see what I come up with the next two weeks. Read more…
My review of Jamie Eason’s Livefit program
A few months ago I mentioned that I was changing my workout routine. It’s usually good to switch things up, and I definitely learned a few things from it. At the time of the switch I was working out 4x a week doing an upper and lower body split. Cardio was usually Bodyrock or something […] Read more…
Do you ever workout naked?

Photo credit: Flickr | StanZim UPDATE! This was the first vlog I ever did and it’s hilariously bad. I will eventually replace it, but I’ll keep it here for now for lols sake. Please excuse me, I was a bit nervous! Also, as promised, here’s the link to the workout: The 480 Workout. (Some of […] Read more…