I’m a fan of a metaphors. Daydreaming while I was driving home from the gym, it occurred to me that I’m in the summer years of my life. The newness and naivete of spring have passed, and the age of summer with its sun-soaked revelry and earthly abundance is well in progress. To me, being […] Read more…
Giving new meaning to bodyweight workouts
My man squats ME ass to grass! He also uses me as a human barbell. And this is why we’re together. In other news…got my co-op share today. Here are some crappy pictures of good produce. Let’s see what I come up with the next two weeks. Read more…
I am competitive and crazy.
The other day I was doing squats at the gym. On the other side of the room a female trainer was also squatting. (Incidentally people have asked if we’re sisters because there is a slight resemblance, AND I saw her at the club I went to last night.) I immediately start sizing her up, looking […] Read more…
The WTF Workout
So apparently I have relatives that read my blog. And according to my father they have an issue with me cursing. Whatever. I don’t think I even curse that much. I’ve even tried to curtail it these past few posts…to be nice, or something. However I am not a fan of censorship. It was relayed […] Read more…
How to do a glute-ham raise part 2
So, in part 1 I discussed how you can do a glute-ham raise at home with a partner. David is now a member of my gym so he was able to get some footage of me doing a glute-ham raise on an ab bench. (Very crappy phone footage, but whatever.) We had to be kind […] Read more…
Why squats rule and how to do them.
Admittedly, I’m a bit competitive. Whenever I see a girl getting ready to do a barbell squat (a rare occasion), I always watch her from the corner of my eye to see how many plates she puts on the bar. Recently I was taken aback by how heavy two different girls loaded up their bars. […] Read more…