So apparently I have relatives that read my blog. And according to my father they have an issue with me cursing. Whatever. I don’t think I even curse that much. I’ve even tried to curtail it these past few posts…to be nice, or something. However I am not a fan of censorship. It was relayed […] Read more…
What does the way you workout say about you?
I recently became enamored with this article over at Party Like It’s 1899: Physical Culture Interview with Craig Staufenberg. To give you the gist of it, “Craig Staufenberg is an author and illustrator who’s just released an ebook titled How to Live: A Manual of Sensible Physical Culture that focuses on the history and […] Read more…
A couple of lessons in humility
Lesson #1: Stop trying to be TUFF I like to lift heavy weights. But you probably already knew that. Heavy weights usually means lower reps. Keeping it in the 5-8 rep range is my favorite way to workout. So it is much to my chagrin when I must lower the amount of weight I lift […] Read more…
Breaking the routine
I am a creature of habit. Most days I have a routine that I stick to, and for the most part it’s good. It keeps me productive, and I find something comforting about having a schedule to occupy my time. My routine makes me feel normal. (My boyfriend says I’m a control freak. Whatever…I’m an […] Read more…
The word “toned.”
Tone is the four letter word of the fitness world. Do you say it? Here’s something to think about the next time you do. The word “toned” is a huge pet peeve for bodybuilders and people who take working out seriously. Just go to any bodybuilding forum or workout community and you will get flamed […] Read more…
The right to bare arms.
Ah, arms. They have so many uses! You can wrap them around people, you can carry stuff with them. You can cover them with tattoos. They lift you up, they push you off the ground. Just don’t flex them if you’re a girl and you have anything more than an ounce of muscle. You wouldn’t […] Read more…
My Birthday Workout
It’s my birthday! Well, it was my birthday…two days ago. Sorry for the delay, but I’ve been lost in a post-birthday-party haze (aka I’ve been recovering from being drunk.) But anyway, let’s rewind back to the 17th, the 27th anniversary of the day I escaped from my mother’s womb. I don’t know about you, but […] Read more…
How to do a glute-ham raise part 2
So, in part 1 I discussed how you can do a glute-ham raise at home with a partner. David is now a member of my gym so he was able to get some footage of me doing a glute-ham raise on an ab bench. (Very crappy phone footage, but whatever.) We had to be kind […] Read more…
Kids and working out: How young is too young?
So, yesterday I mentioned that I saw a 16- or 17-year-old girl squatting a buttload of weight at the gym. And then my friend mentioned that she overheard some of her former (13-year-old) students talking about how they go to the gym. And it got me wondering, what should the age limit be for the […] Read more…
Why squats rule and how to do them.
Admittedly, I’m a bit competitive. Whenever I see a girl getting ready to do a barbell squat (a rare occasion), I always watch her from the corner of my eye to see how many plates she puts on the bar. Recently I was taken aback by how heavy two different girls loaded up their bars. […] Read more…