“How the hell did you learn how to do that?” I looked up to see a girl standing two feet in front of me. I hadn’t even noticed her walk up while I was entering the number of chin-ups I did into my phone. Normally, I don’t like interruptions, but I was happy to address […] Read more…
Back from the dead
Wow. Talk about a disappearing act. If anyone noticed my absence, apologies! I could say that I’ve been busy (which I have been, but then again I aways am), but the truth is I’ve been going through a bit of a content drought lately. I will write three-quarters of a post, leave it alone for […] Read more…
Something for everyone
Boot camp was a lot of fun this weekend. Two new recruits came out. And so did a regular…who brought this Coke along with him. Tsk, tsk! But at least he showed up. I wanted to share the workout we did, in the hopes that some of you out there might be willing to try […] Read more…
Starting from scratch
It’s been chilly the past few days in Miami. Since it’s normally as sticky and hot as Satan’s armpit, I’m kind of short on cold-weather wear. And by cold weather, I mean 50 degrees Farenheit. Everything is relative, okay! Fortunately I am good at improvising, and used my hair as a scarf. It really did […] Read more…
Let’s NOT talk about boobs.
You know, I expected today to be uneventful for the most part. I was planning to blog about not being able to get to 40 lbs with dumbbells (80 lbs total) on the incline press, when I can easily knock out 3 sets of 10 with the 35 lb dumbbells. (I couldn’t even get the […] Read more…
A review of my absense in photos.
Damn. It’s been a while. Where to even start… Oh yeah, the no sugar bet. David and I both made it through the week without ingesting any added sugar. (We were still eating fruit and dairy though.) We even withheld at a party that had these treats laid out before us, begging to […] Read more…
Just wanted to check in and let you who ever cares know that I’m alive! I’ve been busy with the Christmas madness. New posts soon, promise! Read more…
Good job, young Padawan.
Some days, the force is not with you. This morning, for example. I was at the gym by 6:40 a.m., intent on doing a biceps/triceps workout. (I have a case of string bean arms that I’m trying to remedy.) So, I do some curls with an EZ barand super-set them with rope pulldowns for triceps. […] Read more…
Day 2 – A new twist
I know I’ve extolled the virtues of being an unprejudiced eater, but even I have my aversions. One of which was unknown to me until last week. In my last batch of produce from the co-op, I received 3 persimmons. If you are as inexperienced with produce as I am, you may be asking yourself, […] Read more…
Day 1
A couple of weeks ago I bet David $100 that he couldn’t go a week without eating any added sugar. This was while he was in the depths of a pastry and candy binge fest that must’ve lasted at least a fortnight. Ashamed of himself (not really), he accepted. I was originally not participating in […] Read more…