Nist6dh. Flickr. The Bait. CC2.0 The number one complaint I hear from people regarding fitness is that they don’t have the motivation to consistently workout. It’s even one of my gripes. If only they sold motivation in a bottle. Our goals would be met, our productivity would skyrocket, and our dreams would come true. The […] Read more…
A Day In The Life
So I decided to do this post not because my life is particularly interesting or exciting, but because I thought it would be helpful to show people how I practice moderation, especially when I’m on a cut. This was from Friday, Nov. 11 and I was actually a bit tighter with what I ate than […] Read more…
Give Yourself Permission to Slack Off
We all have those days where we don’t feel like doing SHIT. Sunday was one of those days for me. I drank the night before and ended up taking two naps during the day, which zaps my energy. It could’ve been so easy for me to just say screw it and start over on Monday. […] Read more…
What It Takes to Reach Your Goal Pt. 2: Action!
In my last post I spoke about the mindset that is most likely to get you to your goals. While that’s important, you might want to know what you can actually DO to be successful. The way you eat and exercise are critical, but this post isn’t a nutrition or workout 101. Rather, it’s a […] Read more…
What It Takes to Reach Your Goal: Going Mental
As the “fitness girl” in many of my social circles, I get asked for advice every now and then. The number one question is usually, “How can I lose weight?” When people ask this they’re looking for advice about specific diet and exercise protocols, but in my opinion, eating healthy and working out is […] Read more…
The Maintenance Game
The health and fitness world is overwhelmingly preoccupied with fat loss, but what happens when you actually reach your goal and have to learn how to maintain it? So I gained 20 pounds. And then I lost most of it. But this isn’t a story about how I put on the weight (fried food, alcohol, […] Read more…
In Cyberspace, No One Can Hear You Scream
So I’ve been getting the itch the revive this blog, but I have no idea how. I got burnt out on reading healthy living blogs and felt that I didn’t really want to be part of that realm. Also, I’m no expert so I feel uncomfortable giving advice. I mean, I know SOME STUFF. But […] Read more…
A Blue Workout
I haven’t been myself lately. Although terribly neglected, I’ve kept this blog around in case I eventually shrug the cloak of apathy and depression that’s been weighing heavy on my shoulders. Without going into too much detail, I’ve had many bad days lately. A lot of personal drama has stripped me of my essence, […] Read more…
The Temple of IRON!
We all have our temples. Places we go to find peace, to clear our minds, to revitalize our insides. For some, the bedroom is a sanctuary from the stresses of life. For others, it may be the library, a park, the kitchen, bathtub, and so on. For me, it’s the gym. I know it’s an […] Read more…
Pretty Muddy Miami 2012
I am usually a punctual person, but apparently not when it comes to blogging. I’m more than TWO MONTHS late on this post! I know, terrible. But better late than never? So, back in November I did the Pretty Muddy Women’s Run in Miami. It’s a women’s-only 5K race with obstacles and of course, lots […] Read more…