I see a lot of gender segregation in the gym. And one of the most marked separations involves the dumbbells. On one small stand, there are several sets of dumbbells weighing 5 to 15 lbs. I feel like there’s some kind of invisible sign that says “Women Only” hanging above them. Along the rest of […] Read more…
When Food Becomes Fodder
I am tragically American. Not that there’s anything wrong with being American. But let’s face it. Some of our habits suck. Like the way we view and treat food. Completely oblivious or hyper-analytical. Quantity instead of quality. Distraction versus pleasure. Generally speaking, I think we’re lacking in food culture. Americans are always in a rush […] Read more…
Black Bean Burgers!
So, I’m not a vegetarian. But every now and then I start thinking about all those cows and their sad, glossy eyes and I feel like a real asshole for eating them. (Honestly I barely eat red meat, but still.) So this weekend I tried my hand at something new: home-made black bean burgers. Yeah, […] Read more…
The Incredible Bulk
I’m busy. You’re busy. We’re all busy! But I’m like, really freakin’ busy. Not that I’m trying to one-up you on busyness or anything, I’m just saying. And when you’re really busy, eating healthy is an effort. It requires planning. Fortunately that’s one of my strong suits. So every Sunday/Monday I bulk cook some of […] Read more…
Fit Geek Workout #1
Hey guys! I put together a workout for anyone who’s interested in trying it. It’s pretty TUFF. It’s a full-body cardio circuit, and you don’t need much equipment. I tried to be as comprehensive as possible in describing it, so hopefully everything makes sense. Let me know what you think! INSTRUCTIONS There are six exercises […] Read more…
Which six pack do you want?
Sometimes in life, you gotta make choices. Pepperoni or Hawaiian. Paper or plastic. Automatic or manual. Life…or something else. But it’s not always easy to know what you really want. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine who has a penchant for partying. She was saying that she really wants six pack […] Read more…
Boot camp: Not just for guys with flat tops!
I’m convinced that coupon sites are almost evil. Almost. Sure, you can find some great deals. An hour-long Swedish massage for $39. 12 self defense classes for $29. Five pole-dancing classes and complimentary taint waxing for $40.95. Your own personal leather-clad gimp for $14.99. Word! But at the end of the day, the amount of […] Read more…
I have crabs!
Today was frickin’ busy. During my lunch break I did this workout. (Well, I only had time to do one round of it. But still, about 22 minutes of masochism.) Then after work I went to my MMA/self-defense class where I grappled with another girl for almost an hour straight. In case you didn’t know, […] Read more…
Women and Weights: Bulky BS
Usually, mornings are full of promise for me. But this morning wasn’t. It was full of loathing and grumpiness. Yet somehow I managed to drag myself to the gym. I used to workout first thing in morning, but dropped the habit a while ago. Hence me feeling like one of Lovecraft’s monsters, only less cool. […] Read more…
Maximize your gluteus!
The glute-ham raise machine is like the unicorn of the gym. Something magical that you’ve only ever heard of, but have never seen. For those of you who are not familiar with this contraption, it looks like this: And this is how you use it: It’s one of the most challenging ways to train your […] Read more…