Is it better to publish informative posts less often, or personal fluff posts frequently?
I guess I’ll aim for somewhere in the middle.
I got my ass beat in my MMA self defense class today, and I was going to write about the things I’ve learned in that class during the past 8 months. But I started putzing around on Facebook and I totally lost my writing mojo. Well, at least I was really productive at work today. And I did a shoulder workout on my lunch break. I’d post the routine but after seeing Miss Sable kick some serious ass in the gym, I’m a little embarrassed of my 55 lb push press.
Anyway…here are some random photos to keep you entertained. Everyone likes photos, right? RIGHT?!
Aaaand that was way more time consuming than I anticipated. Hope you enjoyed!
1. Your hair looks really cute with the red in it. I’m sure that’s a pain to keep up, but man, it looks great!
2. I love that photo of you doing a pull-up. Wow. You remind me that I need to get back to work on doing pull-ups. Earlier this week I did the modified ones on the Smith machine, where you rest your legs on a bench, and my lord, I thought I was going to give myself an aneurysm, I had to pull so hard. But! I managed to do eight before collapsing.
Ugh, sorry it took me so long to respond to this. But yeah, the red was a bitch to maintain. It stained everything -_-
And thank you! You know, those modified pull-ups (I call them reverse push-ups) are brutal in their own right. I can do more of them than I can chin-ups, but they feel super intense in a way that’s different than chins. They’re definitely exhausting!
Haha, I had no clue what was so interesting about the car pic until I enlarged it.
We were at Fairchild Gardens on Wednesday, love the free days!!
I know! Especially since it’s so expensive. It’s such a nice place though.
I didn’t get the car one either – so I’ll blow up the picture….
haha. um… don’t judge my sense of humor, mom.