Month: September 2017

How to Deal with A Live-In Partner’s Eating Habits

healthyish dinner

Falling in love is one of the best feelings you’ll ever experience. There are butterflies in your stomach. There’s a spring in your step. There’s a gentle pitter-patter in your chest.   And as your love grows, oftentimes so does your waistline. Going out for dinner regularly and spending nights on the couch sharing a […] Read more…

5 Reasons You’re Not Getting Stronger

flexing girl

In the beginning, there was negligible muscle on my doughy, 19-year-old body. At this point, I didn’t have the information. Then I did, thanks to (RIP). I started to lift free weights in an effort to get stronger and more muscular. I followed 5×5 for a while. I played around with set and rep […] Read more…