Year: 2017

Why should women build muscle?

During a recent discussion, my mom mentioned that she never wanted to put on any muscle. Although I’m on a crusade against this sentiment, I still understand where she’s coming from. The idea of women wanting to build muscle is a relatively new concept for the general population. And an athletic or sculpted figure was […] Read more…

3 Reasons You Can’t Do Pull-ups

girl pull-ups

Ah, pull-ups, the holy grail of upper body movements. They’re a benchmark of strength for many. Getting your first rep can feel like you’ve finally gotten on the list at Club Strong.   Now, this club isn’t as exclusive as some might think, especially when it comes to pull-ups. Getting into it isn’t so much […] Read more…

On Gym Harassment

image: Flickr | @Mike_fleming There was the trainer who told me I shouldn’t do so many chest exercises because it would make my boobs shrink. There was the older guy who, for months, would tell me how pretty I was and repeatedly push me to call his son. There was the guy who told me […] Read more…

How to Deal with A Live-In Partner’s Eating Habits

healthyish dinner

Falling in love is one of the best feelings you’ll ever experience. There are butterflies in your stomach. There’s a spring in your step. There’s a gentle pitter-patter in your chest.   And as your love grows, oftentimes so does your waistline. Going out for dinner regularly and spending nights on the couch sharing a […] Read more…

5 Reasons You’re Not Getting Stronger

flexing girl

In the beginning, there was negligible muscle on my doughy, 19-year-old body. At this point, I didn’t have the information. Then I did, thanks to (RIP). I started to lift free weights in an effort to get stronger and more muscular. I followed 5×5 for a while. I played around with set and rep […] Read more…

Strength training is the thinking person’s sport – Part I

dumbbell outdoors

I recently read this article about how strength training is seen as a lower class pursuit. To quote the article: “Upper middle class Americans avoid “excessive displays of strength,” viewing the bodybuilder look as vulgar overcompensation for wounded manhood.” The author goes on to present mostly anecdotal evidence that educated urban professionals tend to snub […] Read more…

Where do I even start? – Workout guidelines for beginners

fitness girl tricep dips

So you want to start working out and get in better shape or maybe just be healthier. You might not necessarily be interested in getting super strong or muscular, but you wouldn’t mind tightening up a few spots, feeling better, or dropping a couple of pounds. You’re ready to take the dive, but there’s just […] Read more…