Month: March 2017

How To Give A Fuck

Something happens whenever I go out to eat. I could step out the door with the best intentions to eat sensibly, but when it’s time to order, the words fried, battered, or crispy inevitably come out of my mouth. Some people have a weakness for sugar, but fried is my favorite flavor.   Now, that’s […] Read more…

What is a 1-rep max and should you try it?

Most of us are interested in progress. Our human nature, on both an individual and collective scale, strives to improve, evolve and grow. This manifests in a variety of ways, from strength and mindset to social issues and technology. I think you know which angle I’m going to take in this post 😉   In […] Read more…

7 Tips For Breaking Through A Plateau

You know what’s more maddening than being stuck in an uphill battle? Being stranded in a plateau with nowhere to go. At least when we’re crawling uphill there’s a definitive (although steep and difficult) path. When it comes to fat loss (or any fitness endeavor), being stuck in a plateau can leave us feeling incredibly […] Read more…

Creating a Home Workout From Beginners to Advanced

If you’ve been following me, you know the past two months were stressful due to my home renovation (which came out beautiful, btw). I also had some deadlines due during this time. So between running to home depot all the damn time, dealing with contractors, my house being a mess, managing my workload and trying […] Read more…

4 Unexpected Factors That Derail Fat Loss

Have you ever found an old journal, and upon reading the entries, were transported back to that time in your life? That happened to me recently, and whoa. It was like reading something written by a stranger. A very miserable stranger. Fortunately I’ve done a 180 since then, in both my external circumstances and my […] Read more…