intuitive eating

5 Easy Diet Rules to Maintain Your Weight

You might have heard the statistic that 95% of people who lose weight gain it back within five years. I don’t know how accurate that is, but I can say that I was one of those people. I lost 20 pounds in my early twenties, and by the time I was 31 I had regained […] Read more…

When Food Becomes Fodder

I am tragically American. Not that there’s anything wrong with being American. But let’s face it. Some of our habits suck. Like the way we view and treat food. Completely oblivious or hyper-analytical. Quantity instead of quality. Distraction versus pleasure. Generally speaking, I think we’re lacking in food culture. Americans are always in a rush […] Read more…

Intuitively Thin

Ahhh, naturally thin people. They’re a reliable source of envy for those who aren’t a part of their club. For them, staying slim is effortless, unconscious even. Meanwhile everyone else who is trying to lose weight is painfully aware of just how difficult it can be. Now, I’m not talking about people who WORK at […] Read more…