
Why meal plans don’t work and what to do instead

On the surface, meal plans seem like the solution to all our fat loss woes. They tell us exactly what to eat, how much of it and when. There’s no guessing involved; it’s all spelled out in black and white. And if there’s one thing people love, it’s being given the answer. But have you […] Read more…

Get high and eat a lot: A casual take on calorie cycling

Croquettas. Papri Chat (chickpeas, sauce, and veggies on a bed of crispy wafers). Octopus Salad. Mumbai fish curry (the fish was fried, btw). This was my dinner from a few nights ago. Despite the click-baity title of this post, I was not in fact stoned, but there was a fair amount of alcohol in my […] Read more…

Should you count calories/macros?

My grandfather was an engineer and pilot. A real math guy. As a child, I remember watching him draw charts and fill them with numbers he’d calculated using complex equations. During his funeral service (RIP Grandpoppy), my mother, up at the podium, mentioned how he loved to cipher. I didn’t know what that word meant […] Read more…

How to Focus on Health if You Don’t Want to Lose Weight

Being uncomfortable in our own skin is like being simultaneously caged and exposed. On one hand, we feel trapped in our body; our shame and dissatisfaction makes us wish we could shed our shell. On the other hand, we feel like our body is under a magnifying glass. In our mind, everyone sees our flaws […] Read more…

How To Give A Fuck

Something happens whenever I go out to eat. I could step out the door with the best intentions to eat sensibly, but when it’s time to order, the words fried, battered, or crispy inevitably come out of my mouth. Some people have a weakness for sugar, but fried is my favorite flavor.   Now, that’s […] Read more…

7 Tips For Breaking Through A Plateau

You know what’s more maddening than being stuck in an uphill battle? Being stranded in a plateau with nowhere to go. At least when we’re crawling uphill there’s a definitive (although steep and difficult) path. When it comes to fat loss (or any fitness endeavor), being stuck in a plateau can leave us feeling incredibly […] Read more…