Year: 2012

Channel Your Inner Sarah Connor

“How the hell did you learn how to do that?” I looked up to see a girl standing two feet in front of me. I hadn’t even noticed her walk up while I was entering the number of chin-ups I did into my phone. Normally, I don’t like interruptions, but I was happy to address […] Read more…

Back from the dead

Wow. Talk about a disappearing act. If anyone noticed my absence, apologies! I could say that I’ve been busy (which I have been, but then again I aways am), but the truth is I’ve been going through a bit of a content drought lately. I will write three-quarters of a post, leave it alone for […] Read more…

Something for everyone

Boot camp was a lot of fun this weekend. Two new recruits came out. And so did a regular…who brought this Coke along with him. Tsk, tsk! But at least he showed up. I wanted to share the workout we did, in the hopes that some of you out there might be willing to try […] Read more…

Starting from scratch

It’s been chilly the past few days in Miami. Since it’s normally as sticky and hot as Satan’s armpit, I’m kind of short on cold-weather wear. And by cold weather, I mean 50 degrees Farenheit. Everything is relative, okay! Fortunately I am good at improvising, and used my hair as a scarf. It really did […] Read more…