
How to do a glute-ham raise part 2

So, in part 1 I discussed how you can do a glute-ham raise at home with a partner. David is now a member of my gym so he was able to get some footage of me doing a glute-ham raise on an ab bench. (Very crappy phone footage, but whatever.) We had to be kind […] Read more…

Why squats rule and how to do them.

Admittedly, I’m a bit competitive. Whenever I see a girl getting ready to do a barbell squat (a rare occasion), I always watch her from the corner of my eye to see how many plates she puts on the bar. Recently I was taken aback by how heavy two different girls loaded up their bars. […] Read more…

Maximize your gluteus!

The glute-ham raise machine is like the unicorn of the gym. Something magical that you’ve only ever heard of, but have never seen. For those of you who are not familiar with this contraption, it looks like this: And this is how you use it: It’s one of the most challenging ways to train your […] Read more…