body issues

How to Focus on Health if You Don’t Want to Lose Weight

Being uncomfortable in our own skin is like being simultaneously caged and exposed. On one hand, we feel trapped in our body; our shame and dissatisfaction makes us wish we could shed our shell. On the other hand, we feel like our body is under a magnifying glass. In our mind, everyone sees our flaws […] Read more…

Just buy the f*cking pants.

Some new things are on the horizon for me. Things that I said I would NEVER do. Like Crossfit and running races and buying bigger pants. Instead of saying the cliché, I’ll just leave this here. (I freakin’ LOVED that movie as a kid.) So Crossfit. I bought a two-month coupon because I need […] Read more…

The right to bare arms.

Ah, arms. They have so many uses! You can wrap them around people, you can carry stuff with them. You can cover them with tattoos. They lift you up, they push you off the ground. Just don’t flex them if you’re a girl and you have anything more than an ounce of muscle. You wouldn’t […] Read more…

Which six pack do you want?

Sometimes in life, you gotta make choices. Pepperoni or Hawaiian. Paper or plastic. Automatic or manual. Life…or something else. But it’s not always easy to know what you really want. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine who has a penchant for partying. She was saying that she really wants six pack […] Read more…